This tutorial workshop is a satellite of the 19th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB). Participants will learn how to set up computer models of biological systems (e.g. metabolic or signalling networks) using experimental kinetic data and how to simulate them in different systems biology platforms. Hands-on sessions, lectures and software demonstrations will be included, providing attendees with the necessary skills to access experimental kinetics data from available resources, to assemble computer models with these data, and finally to simulate the generated models using simulation tools. Also handling and exchange of biological models based on existing community standards will be demonstrated along with the basic principles of the underlying standard formats.
We will give a Morpheus workshop as part of the COMBINE & denBi tutorial on simulation tools in systems biology. A satellite event of the ICSB 2018 in Lyon on 27.10.18.
The whole tutorial is free of charge. Register before September 15 via the following link: